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The Project

Faced with 2 business brands operating independently, the owners of Gallery Oi Ling and Contes D'Orient decided to streamline the operations. They were seeking advice on the selection of name and look and how to minimize disruption to the business during the change. The owners handle all of the marketing in-house so they were also looking for direction and guidance in all areas of marketing and communication. The client booked a package of hours and used them for advisory meetings, services and copy-writing over a 3-month period. The client worked on the project between meetings and came to each session prepared with a list of questions and a folder of materials for review. We took this opportunity to do a complete communications review all of their materials and establish procedures, processes and templates for all aspects of their business communications.

"Brilliant."  Phil Smyth, Gallery Owner

The project included :

- new business name

- company image, logo, brand

- communication strategy/timeline

- customer newsletter design/template

- new website strategy & content

- business cards, email addresses

- magazine advertising layouts

- media announcement

- retail signage

"Now I've got a great set of templates and lots of great ideas. I've also now got a clue about what a news release is how it should look. Thanks!"

Phil Smyth, Gallery Owner

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